At the recent Short Course Showdown tour stop at S & N’s Trackside I got a chance to sit down and talk to Mr. MIP himself, Eustace Moore Jr. MIP has been offering RC products for over 30 years now, and before Eustace formed the company in the late 1970′s he was an accomplished professional off-road racer competing at our industry’s highest level. This combined experience in both racing and manufacturing has given him a wealth of RC knowledge over the years, and he shares some of this with us now in this edition of Pro Talk:
Radio Control Car Action: How did you first get involved with RC cars?
Eustace Moore Jr: Well actually I started with RC airplanes. I used to design and build my own airplanes as a kid, and there were a couple of guys in the neighborhood who were hardcore into airplanes, so I picked that up. At the same time, while viewing the RC magazines, you’d notice